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Birthday Celebration
Mother and Daughter
Couple Working Together
Young Parents
Three Generations
Father and Son
Kids Playing on the Couch
Brothers Playing
Playing Music for Baby
Playing Card
Playing with Toys
Communicating Through Signs_edited
adult group
Image by eberhard 🖐 grossgasteiger


My various services meet your needs by providing targeted, practical support and solutions

that aim to improve your everyday reality of caring for a family member.


No matter the age of your family member, nor whether they have a diagnosis or not, my services are available to you. Whether you are a grandparent, a sibling, a child, or any other relation, they can provide you with specific insight into your personal situation, such as:

  • exactly how to do what you need to do

  • where to start if your loved one has just received a diagnosis

  • clarifying your neurodiverse family member's needs

  • how to approach crisis situations and difficult behaviour

  • what resources are available

  • understanding your relative's neurodiverse mind

  • how to apply professional recommendations into your everyday life

  • breaking through the overwhelm

  • what can be done to help beyond what is already being done

  • seeking new information and ideas

  • researching services, programs, policies, laws, resources etc.

  • how to promote and/or maintain independence

  • and more……

If you are looking for help with something that is not listed here, don't hesitate to contact me to find out if I can help.

Family Member Services


I work directly with you to understand your priorities and to determine your needs. 

Together, we reflect on your personal goals as well as your goals for your loved one, and find real-life strategies for supporting your family member's learning and growth or providing the most effective care possible.

I always strive to respect personal limitations, values and beliefs,

and understand and acknowledge who you and your loved ones are.

Given that they are needs based and solution oriented, some services may be available as an independent service or as a specifically tailored package based on a completed needs assessment.

You can find more information below, or you can book a free thirty minute phone or virtual call to discuss your situation and get a personalized recommendation about which service would best meet your needs.

Family Members: Needs Assesments



This service is for family members looking for help to clarify the needs of their loved one(s) and recommendations for implicated individuals and resources, if applicable.

in person

This service is for family members looking for help to clarify the needs of their loved one(s) and support to apply techniques and interventions.

In person coaching may be combined with online coaching, depending on the personal situation.


This service is for family members looking for help to clarify the needs of their loved one(s) and support to apply techniques and interventions.

Online coaching may be combined with in person coaching, depending on the personal situation.

situational consultATions

This service is for family members looking for ideas and support for how to make changes in specific situations, including dealing with aggressive behaviour, lack of progress/change, changes in behaviour, inappropriate behaviour, teaching specific skills etc.

other services

Several other services are available to family members.


Some examples of how this service can be helpful for you include;

  • you have just received a diagnosis for your family member and/or you need help clarifying where to start;

  • you aren't sure how to meet the complex needs of your loved one;

  • you feel like you are missing something because you are not seeing progress or change;

  • you have been trying various things for a long time but nothing seems to work.

Family Members: In Person Coaching


Some examples of how this service can be helpful for you include;

  • you feel overwhelmed;

  • you have ideas but are unsure where to start with addressing certain situations;

  • you are meeting difficulties and you aren't sure why;

  • you are facing issues that you aren't sure how to deal with;

  • you need help to apply the recommendations that have been given to you by professionals.

Family Members: Online Coaching

"Coaching is a process that aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future.

While there are many different models of coaching, here we are not considering the ‘coach as expert’ but, instead, the coach as a facilitator of learning.

There is a huge difference between teaching someone and helping them to learn. In coaching, fundamentally, the coach is helping the individual to improve their own performance: in other words, helping them to learn.

Good coaches believe that the individual always has the answer to their own problems but understands that they may need help to find the answer."

                                                                    Definition from:


Some examples of how this service can be helpful for you include;

  • you are seeking more information about how to practically address the needs of your relative;

  • you need new ideas for applying the recommendations that have been given to you by professionals;

  • you are having trouble balancing your own needs with the needs of your family member;

  • you have tried many things but they just don't seem to work in your everyday life.

Family Members: Situational Consultations



Some examples of how this service can be helpful for you include;

  • you are seeking information about addressing the needs of your loved one in a specific situation;

  • you need help to breakdown the recommendations that have been given to you by professionals and apply them into your everyday life;

  • you aren't sure what to do when your family member is exhibiting inappropriate or undesirable behaviour;

  • you are looking for support around navigating various support systems;

  • you feel like you've tried everything in a specific situation and need some new ideas.

Family Members: Other services
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