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Autism Acceptance

Autism Acceptance

I feel strongly that one of the biggest hurdles for people with autism and their families, is society's knowledge, or lack thereof, of autism. My intention in offering presentations and workshops is to provide information which helps create autism awareness, that through continued discussion will shift to autism acceptance.




These resources aim to provide knowledge and practical information to anyone interested in learning what autism is, how it affects individuals and families, and what the World may look like through the eyes of an autistic person.

Striving to share the actual reality of those navigating their autism journey,

I have partnered with Elena Jennifer Montecalvo, to offer various learning opportunities. 


Through working together, our hope is to move from awareness, to acceptance, to inclusion.

Elena and Laurie table.JPG
Autism Acceptance: Presentations and Workshops
A woman is smiling at the camera, wearing a white shirt that says Je suis unique, comme tout le mond


Autism Advocate, Mom and Volunteer

I am a high school ESL teacher, but my most important role is being a mother. Before having children, I used to think I would have so much to teach them, but the greatest lesson I have learned is that they have so much to teach me. That is especially true about my eldest, Giancarlo, who is on the autism spectrum. Since his diagnosis I have had to question so many of my previous belief systems and my ways of doing things. I have done research, read literature by experts, attended several conferences, but my most valuable lesson has been to trust my instincts regarding what is best for my son. I know all too well what it means to stand up against cultural norms, broken school systems, wait lists, and other challenges that other parents face. I also know about losing yourself in the process. I know, too, about the sheer joy in the daily victories, regardless of how small.


For the past 5 years, I have volunteered in various schools, educating students through different awareness campaigns, and in 2019, my children and I were ambassadors for Autism Speaks Canada. It is an honor to collaborate with Uni-Diversity, because we share the same values regarding the importance of education, awareness, acceptance, and everyone's ability to succeed given the right conditions. Everyone. Parents too!


I look forward to continuing to share my experiences with students and parents alike, whether it be to teach, inspire, or simply to be a voice reminding you that you are not alone, and this journey, albeit a challenging one, can lead to beautiful things - especially with Uni-Diversity to guide you!

Awareness Presentation
Acceptance Presentation

Presentations and Workshops

Classroom Lecture


A presentation to understand more about autism, including a slideshow and question period.

Available for adults and for children or teens.


A workshop to understand more about autism and participate in discussion about what acceptance and inclusion of autistic individuals looks like, including slideshow and guided discussion/reflection time.

Available for adults and for tweens or teens.


This workshop is useful for parents, family members, professionals, intervention aids, educators, staff or anyone who is supporting an autistic individual, full time and/or regularly.


A workshop for anyone who participates in periodic or regular interactions with autistic individuals, and are looking to understand more about autism and participate in discussion about taking personal action towards acceptance and inclusion.

Autism Acceptance: Personalized Events

Are you looking for someone to speak
at your own Autism Awareness
or Autism Acceptance event?

I offer personalized presentations,
workshops and information sessions.

Independent Exploration
Independent Exploration

You can download a free SLIDESHOW or PDF DOCUMENT for independent exploration in the classroom or at home, to provide more awareness of autism.


This method of autism awareness is excellent for teachers to use for student exploration during independent in-class working, or for posting to your online platform for student exploration at home.


Parents may also be interested in using them for your child to independently explore, or to provide a guideline for parent-child exploration.

Download Slideshow


Download the slideshow for independent exploration now for FREE

A Girl in a Classroom

PDF document

Download the PDF document for independent exploration now for FREE

Download PDF
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